The Podcast
Why does asking your child this question change everything?
There is a question you can ask your child on a daily basis that will make a major positive change in your life and theirs, although they may not think so at first.
Children are wonderful observers of everything in their environment however, the’re pretty lousy interpreters. They don’t have enough life experience to accurately interpret all that they see. Consequently, they often misunderstand the meaning of things. This leads to mistaken beliefs about themselves and others.
Turn off the television after a commercial which sends the message that “you must have this thing in order to be happy.” Try having a conversation with your children that starts with, “is it really true that…”
Participating in household chores should start as early as possible …
Parents often make themselves crazy trying to make things equal among their children. They are afraid that if something is not “equal” it will be perceived as favoritism. Most parents strive very hard not to show favoritism to any of their children. The problem is that favoritism is in the eye of the beholder. What is fair to one person may not seem fair to another.
We often repeat the same old reprimands and punishments with our children to discipline them. This means that they become able to predict what we will do and, as they grow, they may decide that the consequence is a cost worth paying for their misbehavior.
Dr B: Teaching our children to give their best effort at anything they do is deeply important. How do they learn this?
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Why are our children’s futures at serious risk?
Statistics tell us a story and unfortunately this story is disturbing to say the least. Studies have shown that teens, young adults, and even financially successful older adults are prone to depression, drug addiction, and suicide.